Who is Daniela Torp?

I’m a human being. I feel and perceive just like you. I experience similar situations, challenges, joys and sorrows. I take care of myself, my family, my friends. I respect nature and I humbly bow before its laws, endless variety and sense of humour.

Did you know that there are more than 180,000 islands in the world?

There are thousands of islands and they often seem to be similar to each other. Yet every one of them represents a unique ecosystem. Many of these islands are completely self-sufficient. They produce only what their soil and climate provide. Can you imagine trying to grow plums in a paradise of coconut palms? Maybe it would work for a while. However, you would have to make a great effort to be successful.

We often treat ourselves the same way. We force ourselves to do things that are contrary to what our inner Self wants and is capable of. And then we are surprised that we are not being as successful as the others. I have tried to “plant” myself in many islands before I have finally found my own.

The key to success is LOVE – self-love.

What I offer

During my coaching sessions I mainly focus on the development of one’s approach to intimacy. I work with both individuals and couples. I am a Certified Sexological Bodyworker.

Together with my clients we focus mainly on coping with various traumas in the field of physical experience and sexuality. I am also a Certified Prenatal Consultant working closely with parents-to-be.

I continuously develop myself by practicing yoga and breathing excercises. I educate myself.

I am the founder of the Czech Association of the Sexological Bodywork, Tantra Center Pilsen and I am also the owner of the Freya Centrum.

I provide personal consultations, give lectures in schools, present at conferences and in the media.


I share my knowledge and experience. I am not afraid of saying things out loud. 


Moje psychologie - březen 2020

Not being perfect is the new sexy


časopis Maminka - duben 2019

Mothers who lost their babies


časopis Maminka - únor 2019

Orgasmic Childbirth – you can experience that as well


časopis Maminka - září 2018

How mother is being born

Studio Z

What really is a tantric massage

See Jay radio

posh - časopis

Speaking of Tantra